Establishing Shot:

Shot of London Streets:
We are using the streets of London in our trailer as we think that London is a much more interesting place to film compared to the streets in Bromley and Beckenham. We think by filming it in London it would make our trailer more eye-catching and appealing to different audiences. We are going to film just off the road of Oxford Street, near Selfridges as all the roads around this area are filled with expensive cars, wide roads and really tall buildings which would look really interesting on film. The atmosphere of London is something which really captivates us as it is always so lively and is often associated with business workers and profession. We feel like this atmosphere is appropriate to our film trailer as we want it to look as serious as possible. Also most action/crime films that are filmed in England are mainly based around London as i
t is such an interesting place to film and is somewhere the audience will immediately recognise. This is one road we filmed on called Wigmore Street which was a road off Oxford Street near Portland Sqaure. We chose this road to film on as it set a really busy atmosphere for a good location shot. Also when we were filming here loads of iconic London features appear in shots such as black taxi's and really fancy cars.

Another place we filmed was just outside a hotel called The Hyatt Regency London - The Churchill. This was a hotel just off Oxford Street. We didn't originally plan to film outside a hotel, however when walking past looking for new places to film in London we stumbled across this very posh hotel which had a black Lamborghini outside. Having an expensive car in a film/film trailer is a very James Bond thing to feature, and really sets a very cool and sophisticated feel to a film trailer, which are theme which are presented very commonly in action/crime films. By filming outside this hotel it was almost as if we were renting out an expensive car to feature in our trailer, but for free!

Apartments In London Shots:

London Oxford Street:
As we were filming in London, we knew it would be silly of us to not film in one of Londons best known streets; Oxford Street. By the time we got to Oxford Street after exploring in London for places to film, it was quite dark and the whole of Selfridges was really well illuminated which we thought looked really interesting and camera! We wanted to film on Oxford street as we know its a really vibrant and busy road with lots of atmosphere and so much going on all the time! However we knew it would be really difficult to film on Oxford Street due to the masses of people constantly walking around and it would be really difficult to set up a tripod in the middle of a really busy street! So we thought about using Oxford Street just for a place where we could film location shots, as location shots on film trailers really take up a huge majority of the trailer itself for a lot of the time.
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